Tag Archives: AWS

An excursion to AWS, Packer and predictable network interface names

Hi there. Just wanted to share a small technical issue I came across recently and how I solved it. As I described earlier, I provision our AWS machine images for our customers with Packer from HashiCorp and it has worked pretty well so far. Once a month I update the latest Ubuntu Xenial images available on… Read More »

„Wir machen das jetzt mit den ̶F̶̶ä̶̶h̶̶n̶̶c̶̶h̶̶e̶̶n̶ *Microservices“

Hi there. This isn’t so much a technical blogpost itself but more a post about my experiences trying to build a Docker based CI/CD environment and discussing the matter with a customer. The initial situation is as follows: We migrated a medium, „post startup phase“ sized website to AWS based cloudhosting a couple of years… Read More »

Automated EBS Backups on AWS with Terraform and Lambda

Hi there. I have another short post about a toolset I put together during the last days that I wanted to share with the public. As you know, we host almost all our projects in the Amazon Web Services. Almost every instance we use there is based on a so called „EBS Volume“, what is how Amazon… Read More »